Friday, November 14, 2008

InDesign Keyboard Shortcut Reference

I've just finished updating my Keyboard Shortcut Reference sheets for Adobe InDesign CS4. I've managed to fit all 375 or so shortcuts on two U.S. letter-sized pages. I like to have a printed copy of this handy by my computers at all times. I've given a lot of thought to how the shortcuts should be organized and grouped in this latest version of the Shortcut Reference. You may download a Macintosh version here, or a Windows version here, as a free PDF. You can also find versions for CS2 and CS3 here.

BONUS TIP: while researching the keyboard shortcuts for this project, I stumbled across one undocumented shortcut: On the Macintosh, Option+Enter (on the numeric keypad) inserts an "End Nested Style Here" character in both CS3 and CS4. Pretty obscure, but this might be useful for someone.


  1. Thanks for this list, Keith - it's headed for the laminator. I'm going from PM 6.5 to InDesign 4, so this is really appreciated.

  2. I used to use a program called MultiAd Creator at my previous job. I use InDesign at my new job and really like it but I miss an old keyboard shortcut that made my life a lot simpler. It was 'apple G' to get a type style and 'apple D' to apply it to new text. This was much faster than setting up a character style and highlighting text then clicking on the style to apply it. Do you know of a similar shortcut in InDesign?

  3. Shannon, check into using Quick Apply to apply styles to text. I don't have a blog post about this feature, but the short story is that you hit Command (Apple)-Return, hit a character or two to select the desired style, and then hit return to apply it to the selected text. Once you get used to it, it's really slick.

  4. Thank you so much for making this easy and printable from the web. I looked everywhere!! I will be training for InDesign for a new position and wanted to familiarize myself before I got in there. You're a life saver!

  5. Wow! This is so great! I'm just learning InDesign and this will be so helpful. Thank you!

  6. Thanks for sharing.

    One would think that Adobe would have this bundled in with their software?
