Wednesday, November 18, 2009

InDesign's "Import Options" dialog

Sandra writes:

"I can place a completed InDesign .indd file into my InDesign layout, but I see only the first page. What if I want only page 4 or page 6?"

The answer to this, and more, lies in the amazing, often-overlooked Import Options dialog box. Choose File > Place, and then either:

Select the Show Import Options option in the bottom-left corner of the Place dialog, select a file to place, and click the Open button,

- or -

Select a file to place, and then hold down the shift key while you click the Open button.

The dialog box that will appear next depends on the type of file you're placing. This is what the dialog box looks like when you place an InDesign file into another InDesign file. Note that you can browse page thumbnails and specify which page(s) to place, among other useful options.

This is what the dialog box looks like when you place a Word file:

This is what the dialog box looks like when you place an Adobe Illustrator AI file:

You get the idea. Keep in mind that these Import Options are "sticky", meaning that once you set them, they stay selected when you place other files of the same type in the future.

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