Monday, March 15, 2010

Free utility adds features to Acrobat forms

The Advanced Acroform Toolset from FormRouter adds some cool new capabilities to Adobe Acrobat Pro 7 or 8, or Acrobat 9 Standard, Pro or Pro Extended.

This free utility adds a toolbar to Acrobat that lets you do some powerful things with Acrobat forms without the need to write complex JavaScript code, such as:

* Add a date selection widget to a date field

* Add a "Combo Box" (dropdown) field that's prepopulated with common data lists, such as countries, U.S. states, credit card types, major currencies and more

* Add a text field that is will be validated during data entry, checking to make sure the data entered is an email address, credit card number, IP address etc. If you need to validate in a way that isn't in the list, you can choose "custom" and enter a regular expression string that describes the desired validation.

* Create a Combo box that is a required field

* Add a "file browse" button that allows the form user to specify a file to be uploaded and submitted with the form

* Add a "test submit" button that will submit all the field names and the entered data to a test server and return a PDF listing showing the values submitted


  1. How do you install this on a Mac?

  2. @PrairieGirl: I just tried installing it on my Mac, and it appears it isn't compatible with Acrobat 9.3.1 Pro running on Mac OS X 10.6.2. I received several JavaScript errors after I installed it. You might want to try contacting Formrouter and see if they have a solution.

  3. How do you install this on a Macbook ? Can someone please help me?
