Monday, January 28, 2013

Record iPad sales

I'm prompted to write this today after reading yet another "Has Apple Peaked?" article. There has been lots of negative publicity about Apple's stock price falling amid investor speculation that Apple cannot continue to innovate. While this may or may not be a valid concern, I want to point out one fact that many of the articles overlook: iPad sales.

In the last fiscal quarter ending in December 2012, Apple sold 22.9 million iPads. That is far more than in any previous quarter. They have sold over 121 million iPads in less than 3 years.

Ipad sales

Still a pretty healthy market for those of us involved with creating tablet apps with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, I'd say!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Keith, I just got an iPad mini and LOVE IT! Have yet to build my first app for it, but I'm sure it'll be coming soon. Thanks for the statistics. Becky Kurk
