Thursday, January 07, 2016

Save Web pages to PDF using Dropbox

3 recently-added features of the Dropbox mobile app for iOS make it easy to convert a Web page to PDF for easy offline viewing. Why would you want to do this? Perhaps you’ve come across a long blog post that you want to save so you can read it later on an airplane or train. Or you’ve encountered an interesting current news article that you want to save because you are afraid it will archived or disappear behind a paywall in the future. Or perhaps you want to share an article with someone and you want to add a few comments to the article first.

Dropbox makes this easy. Here’s how (the screen shots are from an iPhone 6 running iOS 9.2):

1. Make sure you have the latest version of the Dropbox app installed on your iPhone or iPad

2. Navigate to the web page you want with Safari on your iPhone or iPad, then tap the share button at the bottom of the screen


3. Tap the Save to Dropbox icon


4. If desired, rename the file and choose a specific Dropbox folder, then tap Save


5. Launch the Dropbox app on your iPhone or iPad


6. Tapping the Recents icon at the bottom of the screen should put the recently-created PDF file near the top of the Dropbox file list. Tap the PDF file.


7. The PDF will open in the Dropbox app’s built-in PDF viewer. If you’d rather open the file in the Adobe Acrobat app (assuming you have the app installed), tap the Open With icon at the bottom of the screen.


8. Tap Adobe Acrobat Reader


9. The PDF will open in Adobe Acrobat.

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In this tutorial you’ve learned about 3 recent additions to Dropbox: Save to Dropbox, Recents, and Open With Adobe Acrobat Reader. I hope you find this useful!

For many more Dropbox tips, see my Up and Running with Dropbox course at

1 comment:

  1. In my case, I had to tap on "More," and turn on "Save to Dropbox."
