Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Adobe Dimension tutorial: Create 3D type in Photoshop and import in Dimension

Photoshop contains complex 3D modeling capabilities. But you don't have to know much about 3D in Photoshop to create some extruded type and bring it into Dimension for applying materials and lighting. Here's how:

1. In Photoshop, create a new document that is 1000 px square. The size isn't important, since we'll be creating a vector object to bring into Dimension. This is just a good starting point.

2. Use the Type tool to create a line of text, and make the type large. Again, the size isn't important.

3. Choose 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer.

4. Use the Properties panel to experiment with Shape Preset, Extrusion Depth, and other settings. Don't worry about position, angle, shadows, color, or texture settings, as these will all be taken care of in Dimension. Just work with settings that affect the shape, such as Extrusion Depth, Twist, Taper, etc.

5. Once the model looks the way you want, choose 3D > Export 3D Layer.

6. Choose Wavefront|OBJ for the file format, and then click OK.

7. Name the file, and save it somewhere you'll remember.

8. In Dimension, create a new file.

9. Choose File > Import > 3D Model, and select the OBJ file you exported from Photoshop.

10. Choose Camera > Frame All to position the camera so you can see the entire line of type.

11. Apply materials and lighting and pose the type model in Dimension as desired.

Want to learn more about Adobe Dimension? See the Adobe Dimension CC Classroom in a Book I wrote published by Adobe Press.

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