Monday, February 25, 2008

Free InDesign keyboard shortcuts

One of the handouts that I give to participants in my InDesign on-site training seminars is a quick reference guide to all the keyboard shortcuts in InDesign. If you haven't had the good fortune to have me do InDesign training at your company, you can still get a copy of the keyboard shortcut guide copy of the keyboard shortcut guide here. I've worked hard to organize the shortcuts into recognizable language, and still have them all fit on two sides of a letter-size page. There are both CS2 and CS3 versions, for Macintosh and Windows platforms. I hope you find these useful!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for making your keyboard shortcuts available to the masses. Your list is well organized and succinct. I will certainly put it to good use!

  3. Excellent list. Thanks so much!

  4. This is awesome! Thanks so much...What a huge help!
